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Disney’s Newsies Jr. by Divine Child Elementary School Theatre in Dearborn, Michigan

What To Know About This Production

Disney's Newsies JR. is inspired by the rousing true story of newsboys in turn-of-the-century New York City.

When powerful newspaper publishers raise prices at the newsboys' expense, the charismatic Jack Kelly rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions. Together, the newsies learn that they are stronger united and create a movement to fight for what's right.

Including the now-classic songs "Carrying the Banner," "Seize the Day," and "Santa Fe," Newsies JR. is a timeless story full of spirit and heart.

Performance Dates

  • Jan 23 Thursday 7:00 PM
  • Jan 24 Friday 7:00 PM
  • Jan 25 Saturday 2:00 PM
  • Jan 25 Saturday 7:00 PM

Auditions For Disney’s Newsies Jr.

Audition details are not yet posted. Check back later or reach out to Divine Child Elementary School Theatre directly with any questions.

Cast List For Disney’s Newsies Jr.

The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

Cast List

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