What To Know About This Production
Anastasia follows the journey of a young woman named Anya who suffers from amnesia. Set against the backdrop of post-revolutionary Russia and 1920s Paris, the musical is inspired by the legend of the Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov. Guided by two con men, Dmitry and Vlad, Anya embarks on a journey to convince the Dowager Empress in Paris that she is her granddaughter, the long-lost Anastasia. Throughout her journey, Anya faces danger, romance, and self-discovery. The musical blends historical events with adventure, featuring a mixture of heartfelt ballads, lively musical numbers, and a strong ensemble.
Performance Dates
- Mar 7 Friday 7:00 PM
- Mar 8 Saturday 2:00 PM
- Mar 8 Saturday 7:00 PM