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Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap by Pearson Productions
in Olathe, Kansas

What To Know About This Production

After a local woman is murdered, the guests and staff at Monkswell Manor find themselves stranded during a snowstorm. It soon becomes clear that the killer is among them, and the seven strangers grow increasingly suspicious of one another. A police detective, arriving on skis, interrogates the suspects: the newlyweds running the house; a spinster with a curious background; an architect who seems better equipped to be a chef; a retired Army major; a strange little man who claims his car has overturned in a drift; and a jurist who makes life miserable for everyone. When a second murder takes place, tensions and fears escalate. This record-breaking murder mystery features a brilliant surprise finish from Dame Agatha Christie, the foremost mystery writer of her time.

Rehearsals will begin December 15 and run Sunday through Thursday 7-10 PM.

Directed by Dockum LaRose

Performance Dates

  • Jan 30 Thursday 7:00 PM
  • Jan 31 Friday 7:00 PM
  • Feb 1 Saturday 7:00 PM

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Cast List For Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap

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Available Roles

  • Mollie Ralston - 20s-30s, Proprietor of Monkswell Manor, anxious about hosting the inn's first guests, newly married to GIles
  • Giles Ralston - 20s-30s, runs Monkswell Manor with his wife, somewhat arrogant and jealous
  • Christopher Wren - 20s-30s, hyperactive young man who acts in a very peculiar manner
  • Mrs Boyle - 40s-60s, critical older woman who is pleased by nothing
  • Major Metcalf - 40s-60s, Major Metcalf is middle-aged, square-shouldered, military in manner and bearing
  • Miss Casewell - 30s-40s, A strange, aloof, masculine woman with a tortured past
  • Mr Paravicini - 30s-50s, man of unknown provenance, who turns up claiming his car has overturned in a snowdrift.
  • Detective Sergeant Trotter - 30s-50s, cheerful but seeming mundane


Name Role(s)
TBD Mollie Ralston
Zach Lofland Giles Ralston
TBD Christopher Wren
Amy Pearson Mrs Boyle
Rob Scoles Major Metcalf
Donna Moon Miss Casewell
WIlliam Dawdy Mr Paravicini
TBD Detective Sergeant Trotter


Name Role(s)
Dockum LaRose Director
TBD Producer
TBD Stage Manager
TBD Costumer
TBD Sound Designer
Amy Pearson Light Designer

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