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The Voice of Christmas 2024 by SiSu Dance Company in Albuquerque, New Mexico

What To Know About This Production

The Voice of Christmas was written and choreographed by Megan Nicko in 2019. Megan is the Founder and Director of SiSu Dance Academy and Company. 

The Voice of Christmas brings true meaning to the holiday season. The birth of Jesus is intertwined into the original Nutcracker story by having Marie receive not a nutcracker as a gift, but like each child at the Christmas party, Marie is given a piece from a small nativity scene. Marie and the rest of the children then learn the story of the true meaning of Christmas from the family's grandmother.


Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite music is prevalent throughout the show, with additional music by various Christian artists.


Marie is taken through a journey with good and evil and seeing the history of how our beloved Savior was born. She witnesses dancers from different countries, bring their gifts of dance to the Savior. Marie falls asleep with a new meaning of why our Christmas tradition is truly celebrated. 


Today you will preview the scenes of Mary and Joseph’s Journey to Bethlehem where they are protected and guided by angels. Mary cries out to the Lord to protect her and Joseph’s child while they struggle to find a place for Mary to give birth.


Following the birth of Jesus dancers from all countries bring dancing to the savior as their gift offerings.


Marie then shares a moment with Mary and Joseph while they allow her to bring her gift of dancing to him. Marie falls asleep that Christmas eve understanding the meaning of Christmas and why it is truly cherished and celebrated.  


Join the SiSu Dance Company on 12/14 at 6:30pm or 12/15 at 2pm for the full performance of “The Voice of Christmas”. 


Welcome to the SiSu Dance Company

Performance Dates

  • Dec 14 Saturday 6:30 PM
  • Dec 15 Sunday 2:00 PM

Auditions For The Voice of Christmas 2024

What To Expect At Auditions

This is not a true audition as your dancer has already been accepted, however this step is required to access your dancers casting and rehearsal times. Please follow the steps below and hit submit at the very end to submit your information to receive the casting and rehearsal schedule on 8/10 for the Big Reveal!

Audition Form

Cast List For The Voice of Christmas 2024

The cast list is posted! Please login to access cast-only resources.

Available Roles

  • The Voice
  • Adam/Joseph
  • Eve/Mary
  • Cherubim Angel
  • Lucifer/Satan
  • Animal
  • Flower
  • Bear
  • Marie
  • Annabelle
  • Nanny
  • Maries Friend
  • Fritzs Friend
  • Fritz
  • Grandmother
  • Good Angel
  • Gods Army of Angels
  • Angel of Love
  • Spain
  • America
  • Arabia
  • Israel - Shephard
  • Germany
  • China
  • Russia
  • France - Disciple
  • France - Drummer
  • GOS - Angel
  • Israel - Sheep

Cast List

Name Role(s)
Faith Nicko The Voice, Arabia, and Russia
Allison Goodman Cherubim Angel, Gods Army of Angels, Spain, Arabia, and France - Disciple
Aubrey Goodman Flower, Fritzs Friend, Gods Army of Angels, Germany, China, and France - Drummer
Madeleine Harvold Marie
Tili Brown Flower, Nanny, Gods Army of Angels, America, and Germany
Amie Tennant Lucifer/Satan, Grandmother, and America
Audrina Perez Cherubim Angel, Gods Army of Angels, Spain, and Germany
Chelsea Moffatt Flower, Gods Army of Angels, and Angel of Love
Alana Hime Fritzs Friend, China, and France - Disciple
Elena Dayile Animal, Maries Friend, GOS - Angel, and Israel - Sheep
Adele Dayile Animal, Fritzs Friend, GOS - Angel, and Israel - Sheep
Eleanor Lechman Flower, Bear, Gods Army of Angels, America, and Germany
Maya Franco Animal, Maries Friend, China, France - Drummer, GOS - Angel, and Israel - Sheep
Emily Hodges Annabelle, America, and France - Drummer
Olivia Hodges Animal, Maries Friend, GOS - Angel, and Israel - Sheep
Alyssa Juliano Animal, Maries Friend, China, France - Drummer, GOS - Angel, and Israel - Sheep
Jon Romero Goetz Adam/Joseph
Ripley Forbes Eve/Mary
Dakota Suehr Animal, Fritzs Friend, GOS - Angel, and Israel - Sheep

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