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Musical Theater Workshop Fall 2024 by PCC Musical Theater Workshop in Pasadena, California

What To Know About This Production

This production is open to registered students of Pasadena City College only.

Performance Dates

  • Dec 10 Tuesday 7:30 PM
  • Dec 12 Thursday 7:30 PM

Auditions For Musical Theater Workshop Fall 2024

What To Expect At Auditions

How to audition 

To audition for the class, upload a video audition to YouTube and send me the link. Include your full name and student ID # in an email to Professor Villanueva.

Your video 

Please film your audition from your waist up, in front of a clean background, with no backlighting. You can use your phone. As much as possible, limit ambient noise. Use a pre-recorded backing track as accompaniment. Make sure the backing track is in a comfortable key. You can find many backing tracks or karaoke tracks on YouTube. 


After you send your audition link, you may be asked to come to the 1st day of class and audition in person. When you audition in person, please bring sheet music copied from a piano vocal score, no chord charts. Prepare the sheet music, accordion style. If you need help, you can watch a YouTube video about Prepping Sheet Music for an Accompanist.

Your audition song

You must memorize your audition song. The song should be a 32-bar cut (2 minutes or less) of a musical theater song of your choice, usually the last 2 minutes of the song. Make sure to sing something that shows your best qualities and not something so difficult that it adds stress to your audition. Again, you must memorize your music! You may not be accepted into the workshop if you cannot memorize your music and sing the notes accurately and in sync with the accompaniment.


You can register for the class only after you pass the audition: 

THRT 075 (for theater students)  

MUSC 075 (for music students) 

Audition Times

  • Aug 27 Tuesday 4:15 PM

Audition Form

Cast List For Musical Theater Workshop Fall 2024

The cast list is posted! Please login to access cast-only resources.

Available Roles

  • Katie
  • Clarissa
  • Bella
  • Alex
  • Layla
  • Marco
  • Amaya
  • Maryam
  • Jade
  • Arwen
  • Jackson
  • Devon
  • Desiré
  • Alana
  • Elijah
  • Julie

Cast List

Name Role(s)
Clarissa Gaeta Clarissa
Isabella Lopez Bella
Alex McGee Alex
Layla Miller Layla
Marco Poon Marco
Amaya Rios Amaya
Maryam Shirazi Maryam
Jade Valdes Jade
Arwen Wen Arwen
Jackson Wu Jackson
Katie Endow Katie
Desire Garza Desiré
Alana Cast Alana
Devon Dominguez Devon
Elijah Proctor-Amaro Elijah
Julie Westbrook Julie

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