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Anastasia by Regional Performing Arts Company
in Portage, Indiana

What To Know About This Production

Join RPAC as they partner with Hammond Arts & Performance Academy for their smashing, full-length finale to the 2024-2025 season! Featuring a full, live pit orchestra, talented young performers, and beautiful choreography these performances will transport you to 1920's Paris in this beloved tale.

For more production information, including rehearsal information (rehearsals Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays), visit:

From Tony winners Terrence McNally, Stephen Flaherty and Lynn Ahrens, creators of such Broadway classics as Ragtime and Once On This Island, this dazzling show transports its audience from the twilight of the Russian Empire to the euphoria of Paris in the 1920s, as a brave young woman sets out to discover the mystery of her past. Pursued by a ruthless Soviet officer determined to silence her, Anya enlists the aid of a dashing con man and a lovable ex-aristocrat. Together, they embark on an epic adventure to help her find home, love and family.

Performance Dates

  • Jun 6 Friday 7:00 PM
  • Jun 7 Saturday 7:00 PM
  • Jun 8 Sunday 2:00 PM

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Cast List For Anastasia

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Available Roles

  • Anya/Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov - Range: G3-F5, Belt to D5. Disney-esque Soprano or Mezzo ● Dance Requirement: Some movement ● Anya is brave, fiery, witty, and above all determined. With no memory of her life before age 17 and having lived through the horrors of the Russian Revolution, Anya jumps at the sound of gunshots and is distrustful of strangers, but there is steel hiding just beneath the surface. Anya is strong-willed and compassionate. Her mantra, “Home, love, family” is her goal. All she knows is her family is in Paris and she will find them however she can.
  • Dmitry Sudayev - Range: A2-G4. “Baritenor” ● Dance Requirement: Some Movement ● Dmitry is a scoundrel with a heart of gold. A street rat who grew into a conman, Dima does all he does to get out of poverty and is not above lying, cheating, and stealing to do so–that is until he meets Anya. What starts as just another scheme (albeit much bigger than anything he’s tried to pull off before) turns into the adventure of a lifetime that requires Dimitry to look inward and figure out how to put the one he loves before himself.
  • Vladimir “Vlad” Popov - Range: A2-F4. Comic Baritone ● Dance Requirement: Strong mover ● Vlad is Dmitry’s partner in crime (literally) and surrogate father. Before the revolution he scammed his way through society pretending to be a count. Vlad is dramatic, crafty, and a big softie at heart. While he, like Dmitry, is not above lying, cheating, and stealing, he cares greatly for his loved ones and is generally affable, though he can be calculating when he needs to be
  • Deputy Commissioner Gleb Vaganov - Range: A2-Gb4. Baritone with a strong upper extension. ● Dance Requirement: None. ● Gleb is the villain of the show, though not a bad person. He fully believes in the Communist ideals he follows. Loyal, honest, and hard working, Gleb almost has the potential to be a hero (he’s very much the hero of his own story). A deeply conflicted person, Gleb’s infatuation (and borderline obsession) with Anya leads to his battle with the idea of doing one’s duty vs. doing what is right.
  • Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch - Range: G3-C5 (Briefly sings a B5 at the end of Land of Yesterday, but the rest of the role is very Mezzo) Jazzy Mezzo with an upper extension. ● Dance Requirement: Dancer (Ideally a strong dancer) ● Lily is the lady in waiting to the Dowager Empress. She has been by the Dowager’s side since before the revolution. Lily is clever, dutiful, and above all fun (when not working for the Dowager). She deals with her exile from Russia with a sort of resigned dark humor…and a LOT of vodka. She and Vlad were once an item (unbeknownst to her oblivious husband) and rekindle their romance upon re-uniting.
  • Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna Romanov - Range: F3-Bb4. A regal Mezzo ● Dance Requirement: None ● The Dowager Empress has lost everything she once held dear and must now put up with imposter upon imposter never allowing her to grieve in peace. She is icy, proud, and regal (not to mention intimidating) to all but her family. Though, she does have a very shrap wit. She is especially warm with Anastasia both when a child and after it’s revealed that Anya really is the princess. She commands authority and attention the minute she enters a room.
  • Young Anastasia - Younger version of Anastasia
  • Tsarina Alexandra - Anastasia’s mother and Tsarina of Russia
  • Tsar Nicholas II - Anastasia’s father and Tsar of Russia
  • Olga Romanov - Anastasia’s sister
  • Tatiana Romanov - Anastasia’s sister
  • Maria Romanov - Anastasia’s sister
  • Alexei Romanov - Anastasia’s brother
  • Marfa - Russian woman who ‘audition’ for the ‘role’ of Anastasia
  • Paulina - Russian woman who ‘audition’ for the ‘role’ of Anastasia
  • Dunya - Russian woman who ‘audition’ for the ‘role’ of Anastasia
  • Comrade 3 -
  • Drunk 1 -
  • Drunk 2 -
  • Drunk 3 -
  • Drunk 4 -
  • Announcer -
  • Count Ipolitov - A Count from Old Russia who, saddened, plans to leave his country
  • Countess Ipolitov -
  • Smoker -
  • Policeman 1 -
  • Policeman 2 -
  • Gorlinskey -
  • Count Leopold - presumptive Romanov heir
  • Sergei -
  • Exiled Russian -
  • Count Gregory -
  • Countess Gregory -
  • Odette - Ballet dancer
  • Reporter -
  • Russian court guest -
  • Streetsweeper -
  • Russian Chorus -
  • Black Marketeer 1 -
  • Black Marketeer 2 -
  • Black Marketeer 3 -
  • Parisian -
  • Neva Club (Russian) aristocrat -
  • Ballet patron (russian and french) -
  • Featured Dancer -
  • Neva Dancer -


Name Role(s)
Bella Schirripa Anya/Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov
Maddox Jamison Dmitry Sudayev
Andrew Zenere Vladimir “Vlad” Popov
Carson Gray Deputy Commissioner Gleb Vaganov
Halyn Pumroy Countess Lily Malevsky-Malevitch
Margarette Bond Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna Romanov
Gwen Hankins Young Anastasia and Parisian
Julia Murphy Tsarina Alexandra, Neva Dancer, and Parisian
Tay Wilkerson Tsar Nicholas II, Count Ipolitov, Drunk 3, and Parisian
Aila Drude Olga Romanov, Neva Dancer, and Parisian
Kayla Perez Tatiana Romanov, Neva Dancer, and Parisian
Rylee Whitehouse Maria Romanov, Neva Dancer, and Parisian
Sullivan Jamison Alexei Romanov, Drunk 2, and Parisian
Ellie Horan Marfa, Neva Dancer, and Parisian
Madison Duda Paulina, Neva Dancer, and Parisian
Zoe Parnell Dunya, Neva Dancer, and Parisian
Selena Lopez Countess Ipolitov, Neva Dancer, and Parisian
Kiely Newlin Smoker, Russian poor, and Parisian
Cecilia Owens Korba Policeman 1 and Parisian
mary dominiak Policeman 2 and Parisian
Michael Williams Gorlinskey, Drunk 1, and Parisian
Dominik Milevski Sergei, Black Marketeer 3, Reporter, and Parisian
Logan Rzepka Count Gregory, Reporter, and Parisian
Isabella “Belle” Zabrecky Countess Gregory, Reporter, and Parisian
Jett James Count Leopold, Drunk 4, and Parisian
Elizabeth Hopkins Neva Dancer and Parisian
Sofia Sotelo Neva Dancer, Reporter, and Parisian
Madelynn Vasaitis Neva Dancer and Parisian
Isabella Keenan Neva Dancer and Parisian
Kamryn Larson Reporter and Parisian
Eden Czarnik Reporter and Parisian
Addie Evans Reporter and Parisian
Aubrey phillips Reporter and Parisian
Alyssa Botts Russian Chorus and Parisian
Lyric Carter Russian Chorus and Parisian
Allison Flint Russian Chorus and Parisian
Anya Martinez Russian Chorus and Parisian
Ceilla Mae Querimit Russian Chorus and Parisian
Kimberly Padilla Russian Chorus and Parisian
Nina Weeks Russian Chorus and Parisian


Name Role(s)
TBD Director
TBD Producer
TBD Music Director
TBD Choreographer
Grace Snider Stage Manager
TBD Costumer

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