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Space Pirates by Bay Haven
in Sarasota, Florida

What To Know About This Production

Pirates! Aliens! Space Travel! Space Pirates tells the story of Gabby, a kid who gets picked on during a school trip to the museum. Everything quickly changes when an alien space ship accidentally beams Gabby and her classmates up to outer space. Things go from bad to worse when the alien space ship is suddenly attacked by SPACE PIRATES! It’s only after this whirlwind space adventure that Gabby becomes comfortable in her own skin, and her classmates appreciate her for who she is.

Performance Dates

  • May 11 Sunday 2:00 PM
  • May 10 Saturday 6:00 PM

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Cast List For Space Pirates

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Available Roles

  • Museum Guide - MUSEUM GUIDE is the docent at the museum. • Clear, loud and confident speaking voice • Able to articulate • Strong stage presence and singing voice • This actor can double as a pirate or alien
  • Gabby - GABBY is a history buff. • Fascinated by history and artifacts • An outsider that doesn’t fit in with the cool kids • A very strong actor and singer • Must be able to convey sincerity
  • Jai - JAI is the “cool kid” at school. • Older sibling to Jack • Teases Gabby for being into history • Strong actor
  • Taylor - TAYLOR is friends with Jai. • Also part of the “popular crew” • Really into pop-culture, movies, tv • Has a tendency to be over-the-top • Strong singer, good comedic timing
  • Jack - JACK is the tag along sibling. • Younger sibling to Jai • Obsessed with pirates • Doesn’t understand why people make fun of Gabby • Enjoys being part of the crowd • Playful and youthful
  • Casey - CASEY & RILEY are kids into electronics. • Lots of energy • Bored by the museum • Small singing solos • Will double as either pirates or aliens
  • Riley - CASEY & RILEY are kids into electronics. • Lots of energy • Bored by the museum • Small singing solos • Will double as either pirates or aliens
  • Dylan - DYLAN & BLAKE are kids into popular stuff. • Lots of energy • Bored by the museum • Small singing solos • Will double as either pirates or aliens
  • Blake - DYLAN & BLAKE are kids into popular stuff. • Lots of energy • Bored by the museum • Small singing solos • Will double as either pirates or aliens
  • Kid Ensemble - Sings on
  • Pirate Captain - PIRATE CAPTAIN is the Pirate Captain! • Rough and tough and greedy • Enjoys plundering for loot! • Strong actor with great comedic timing
  • Argyle 1 - ARGYLE is one of the Captain’s right-hand men. • Eager to please the captain • Not very bright
  • Argyle 2 - ARGYLE is one of the Captain’s right-hand men. • Eager to please the captain • Not very bright
  • Kevlar 1 - KEVLAR is one of the Captain’s right-hand men. • Eager to please the captain • Not very bright
  • Kevlar 2 - KEVLAR is one of the Captain’s right-hand men. • Eager to please the captain • Not very bright
  • Zargon - ZARGON is an experienced space pirate. • Teaches Jack how to be a pirate • Strong singer
  • Jolar - JOLAR is an experienced space pirate. • Teaches Jack how to be a pirate • Strong singer
  • Barrt 1 - BARRT is a little pirate. • Little pirate but big personality • Good singer, good comedic timing
  • Barrt 2 - BARRT is a little pirate. • Little pirate but big personality • Good singer, good comedic timing
  • Goldarg - GOLDARG is a space pirate.
  • Garr 1 - GARR is a space pirate.
  • Garr 2 - GARR is a space pirate.
  • Orb - ORB is a space pirate.
  • Pirate Ensemble - Sings and acts with the other Space Pirates.
  • Captain Jot - CAPTAIN JOT is the Captain of the Alien Ship. • Good-hearted, strong leader • Strong speaking voice and stage presence
  • Anderdash - ANDERDASH is the Chief of Security for the Aliens. • Concerned about the safety of the alien ship • Always looking out for the Captain
  • Allbot - ALLBOT is a robot, and first-mate to the Captain • Breaks up words in a robot style • Fun-loving, good comedic timing
  • Amberding 1 - AMBERDING & BAZ are alien interns. • Accidentally beam the humans to space • Good comedic timing
  • Amberding 2 - AMBERDING & BAZ are alien interns. • Accidentally beam the humans to space • Good comedic timing
  • Baz 1 - AMBERDING & BAZ are alien interns. • Accidentally beam the humans to space • Good comedic timing
  • Baz 2 - AMBERDING & BAZ are alien interns. • Accidentally beam the humans to space • Good comedic timing
  • Margella 1 - MARGELLA is part of the alien leadership. • Dumps the socks at the morning meeting
  • Margella 2 - MARGELLA is part of the alien leadership. • Dumps the socks at the morning meeting
  • Esterly - ESTERLY is an alien crew member.
  • Shocky - SHOCKY is an alien crew member.
  • Lolop - LOLOP is an alien crew member.
  • Sealy - SEALY is an alien crew member.
  • Alien Crew Ensemble - Sings and acts with the other Aliens.
  • Professor Lool - PROFESSOR LOOL is head alien scientist. • Works in the lab. Fascinated by all things related to earth. Kind hearted. • Strong singer
  • Croton - CROTON, FIMMAL, FLERP, GLERP are Alien Scientists. • Workin the lab, fascinated by earth. • Good singers
  • Fimmal - CROTON, FIMMAL, FLERP, GLERP are Alien Scientists. • Workin the lab, fascinated by earth. • Good singers
  • Flerp 1 - CROTON, FIMMAL, FLERP, GLERP are Alien Scientists. • Workin the lab, fascinated by earth. • Good singers
  • Flerp 2 - CROTON, FIMMAL, FLERP, GLERP are Alien Scientists. • Workin the lab, fascinated by earth. • Good singers
  • Glerp 1 - CROTON, FIMMAL, FLERP, GLERP are Alien Scientists. • Workin the lab, fascinated by earth. • Good singers
  • Glerp 2 - CROTON, FIMMAL, FLERP, GLERP are Alien Scientists. • Workin the lab, fascinated by earth. • Good singers
  • Alien Small Group - Layers in singing with Esterly at the beginning of


Name Role(s)
Olivia Ellis Museum Guide and Pirate Ensemble
Willow Vaccaro Gabby
Kamari Stephens Jai
Maya Dictor Taylor
Elia Cianfaglione Jack
Henry Faraldo Understudy Taylor, Casey, Fimmal, and Kid Ensemble
Varinia Rosas Pirate Ensemble
Shamyra Watters Margella and Alien Crew Ensemble
Ace Everett Understudy Jack, Riley, Lolop, and Kid Ensemble
Jazmin Erdei Dylan, Flerp, Kid Ensemble, and Professor Lool
Hunter Guglielmo Blake, Kid Ensemble, and Pirate Ensemble
Robbyn Peterson Pirate Captain and Kid Ensemble
Tony Woodard Argyle 1, Pirate Ensemble, and Kid Ensemble
Camille Cianfaglione Argyle 2 and Pirate Ensemble
Dagny Murdock Kevlar 1, Kid Ensemble, and Pirate Ensemble
Seraphina Jones Kevlar 2 and Pirate Ensemble
Dinah Wardell Zargon, Kid Ensemble, and Pirate Ensemble
Ponzy Bryant Understudy Zargon, Jolar 1, Kid Ensemble, and Pirate Ensemble
Charlotte Brusadin Pirate Ensemble and Garr 2
Rosie Egan Barrt 1 and Pirate Ensemble
Aya Everett Barrt 2 and Pirate Ensemble
Natalia VERGARA-RICCIO Goldarg, Kid Ensemble, and Pirate Ensemble
Emma Iglesias Garr and Pirate Ensemble
Sasha Gonzalez Orb, Kid Ensemble, and Pirate Ensemble
Reagan Biter Captain Jot and Alien Small Group 1
Isabella Rexford Allbot and Alien Crew Ensemble
Hana Alimema Understudy Captain Jot, Amberding 1 and Alien Crew Ensemble
Addie Egan Amberding 2 and Alien Crew Ensemble
Ivy Ammenti Baz 1 and Alien Crew Ensemble
Daniel Entin Baz 2 and Alien Crew Ensemble
Jalee Brown Margella 2 and Alien Crew Ensemble
Sadie Bongiovanni Esterly and Alien Crew Ensemble
Fernanda Quiñonez Shocky, Alien Crew Ensemble, and Alien Small Group
Gianna Ulisano Sealy and Alien Crew Ensemble
Penelope A Wilson Croton
Elsin Cunningham Understudy Museum Guide, Flerp 2
Mia Brodeur Understudy Jai, Glerp
Evelyn Hodgens Understudy Gabby, Glerp 2
Harper Barleycorn Alien Crew Ensemble and Alien Small Group 1
Lorelei Martin Understudy Esterly, Alien Crew Ensemble and Alien Small Group 1
Ramona Anderson Alien Crew Ensemble
Victoria Pegoraro Alien Crew Ensemble
Hudson Bloom Alien Crew Ensemble
Hazel Suarez Alien Crew Ensemble
Hudson Mendez Alien Crew Ensemble
Alaia Rose Poole Alien Crew Ensemble
Trenton Stephens Pirate Ensemble
Lily Lopez Alien Crew Ensemble
Daniel Biter Pirate Ensemble
Kadence Gipson Kid Ensemble and Pirate Ensemble
Zarah Ellis Alien Crew Ensemble
Jameson Berry Alien Crew Ensemble
Violet McPherson Kid Ensemble and Pirate Ensemble
Claire Mendez Alien Crew Ensemble and Alien Small Group 1
Santiago Tapia Lopez Kid Ensemble and Pirate Ensemble
Naomi Ruiz-Rosas Kid Ensemble and Pirate Ensemble
Rylynn Hansen Alien Crew Ensemble
Deckard Wagner Pirate Ensemble
Preston Ammenti Pirate Ensemble
Ranya Kader Pirate Ensemble
Juliette White Alien Crew Ensemble
Elsa Acosta Pirate Ensemble and Kid Ensemble
Serena Ruiz Alien Crew Ensemble
Ophelia Spanellis Pirate Ensemble
Rowan Davis Alien Crew Ensemble
Harlem Woodard Pirate Ensemble and Kid Ensemble


Name Role(s)
Morgan Egan Director
Sarah Downey Music Director
Emily Lenehan Crew
Olivia Mendez Crew
TBD Costumes
Savannah Ammenti Stage Manager
Amara Berry Paint
Beatrice McCarthy Crew
Cade Toale Set/Props
Piper Adair-Kottke Paint
AJ Ellis Set/Props
Mia Quinonez Crew

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