West Side Story is a modern musical representation of the classic story "Romeo and Juliet". The Sharks and the Jets are rival gangs fighting for the same territory. Tensions rise as a Shark girl named Maria and a Jet named Tony fall for each other, but there's a problem - they can never be allowed to be together.
Performance Dates
Mar7Thursday6:30 PM
Mar8Friday6:30 PM
Mar9Saturday1:00 PM
Mar9Saturday6:30 PM
Auditions For West Side Story: School Edition
Auditions are Past
Audition Times
Dec4Monday3:30 PM
Dec5Tuesday3:30 PM
Dec7Saturday3:30 PM
Dec8Sunday3:30 PM
Audition details are not yet posted. Check back later or reach out to Shalom Christian Academy directly with any questions.
Audition Process
Create your free user account on Cast98 then return here to sign up for an audition when the director has opened registration.
There are four steps to the audition form:
Privacy disclaimers
Profile information
Conflict calendar
Show-specific questions
You'll be able to review, make changes, or cancel your submitted form anytime between now and your audition.
Cast List For West Side Story: School Edition
Available Roles
Tony - Jet: Handsome, sandy-haired (Polish), older teen-ager, who has outgrown the Jets; tenor.
Riff - Jet; Glowing, driving, intelligent, slightly wacky leader of the Jets; tenor.
Diesel - Jet: Lieutenant to Riff, big, slow, steady; baritone.
Baby John - Jet: Youngest member of the Jets, awed at everything, even being a Jet; tries to act like a big man, but is vulnerable; baritone.
A-Rab - Jet: Small of stature, enjoys everything, takes nothing seriously, unaware, can be explosive; baritone.
Action - Jet: Most aggressive member of the Jets, a cat-like ball of fury; baritone.
Big Deal - a bespectacled, self-styled expert on everything
Anybody's - Jet girl: Scrawny teen-aged girl, pathetically dressed to imitate the Jets, and wants desperately to be taken seriously by them.
Velma - Jet girl: Riff’s girlfriend, young, slithery, sexy, lost in a world of jive.
Graziella - Jet girl: Girlfriend of Diesel, impressed with herself.
Bernardo - Shark: Handsome, proud, fluid leader of the Sharks, with a sardonic chip on his shoulder; baritone.
Chino - Shark: Shy, gentle, sweet-faced young boy, the intended husband of Maria; baritone.
Pepe - Shark: Lieutenant to Bernardo, typically proud, and resentful of discrimination; baritone.
Indio - Shark: Typically proud, and resentful of discrimination; baritone.
Luis - Shark: Typically proud, and resentful of discrimination; baritone.
Juano - Shark: Typically proud, and resentful of discrimination; baritone.
Toro - Shark: Typically proud, and resentful of discrimination; baritone.
Maria - Shark Girl: Lovely young and obedient immigrant Puerto Rican girl, excited and enthusiastic about her new life in America, but with stubborn inner strength that allows her to evolve into a strong woman; soprano.
Anita - Shark Girl: Older (20’s) and wiser in the ways of the world, flashy, sharp-tongued, and with a knowing sexuality; alto/mezzo-soprano..
Consuelo - Shark Girl: Tough, young Puerto Rican girl with bleach blond hair and lots of baubles; mezzo-soprano.
Rosalia - Shark Girl: Young Puerto Rican girl, more demure, not too bright; mezzo-soprano.
Francisca - Shark Girl: Young and quirky
Doc - Middle-aged drug store owner, tired and worn out.
Lieutenant Schrank - Plainclothes policeman used to being in charge, superficially pleasant to cover his venom, fear, and bigotry.
Officer Krumpke - A not-too-bright street cop.
Glad Hand - Nerdy, overly cheerful and ill-equipped social director at the local gym dance.
Jet Girl/Ensemble - will be participate in the dancing and group singing scenes that will be designated
Shark Girl/Ensemble - will be participate in the dancing and group singing scenes that will be designated
Jet/Ensemble - will be participate in the dancing and group singing scenes that will be designated
Shark/Ensemble - will be participate in the dancing and group singing scenes that will be designated
Somewhere Soloist - Sing Somewhere - no dancing
Ensemble - will be participate in the dancing and group singing scenes that will be designated
The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.