What To Know About This Production
Do you ever feel like you are constantly living under pressure?
We often first become aware of this pressure in our middle- or high school years: What do I wear? What if I wear the wrong thing? What is she wearing? What do I look like? Stop looking at me!! The pressure to fit in, stand out, conform, and break free can be overwhelming.
In Under Pressure, CSA's 7th Annual Festival of Shorts, we will hear stories of the pressures faced by pre-teens and teenagers, modern and timeless alike.
It's not easy to defy authority; it's even harder when it's your family. Romeo & Juliet is the classic, yet ever-relatable story of two teens who are willing to love at all costs... and pay the ultimate price.
Hoodie examines image and appearance in the vignette style and poses what may be the most difficult question of all – Do I stay in the clump or do I stand alone?
Anonymous is a story of every teenager: the new kid trying to fit in, the best friends, the love interests, the kid in the corner with their secret, the group of individuals each trying to belong.
We look forward to telling their stories, as we all learn a little more about how to live, laugh, and love under Pressure.
"Character is who you are under pressure, not who you are when everything is fine"
Performance Dates
- Jan 29 Friday 7:00 PM
- Jan 30 Saturday 7:00 PM
- Jan 31 Sunday 2:00 PM