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The Sound of Music by Hillsboro High School
in Hillsboro, Ohio

What To Know About This Production

Spring Musical Auditions


Production Date: March 22, 23, and 24


Who: Anyone in Grades 6-12. 

When: HS–December 4th in HHS Choir Room

Starting at 4 pm

Sign up for a rehearsal time and fill out an online audition form below!

Pick up a production contract outside the choir room and bring it SIGNED to your audition.

Performance Dates

  • Mar 22 Friday 7:00 PM
  • Mar 23 Saturday 7:00 PM
  • Mar 24 Sunday 3:00 PM

Auditions For The Sound of Music

Auditions are Past

Cast List For The Sound of Music

Available Roles

  • Maria Rainer - A postulant at Nonnberg Abbey – young, free spirited, warm, gentle and kind with much determination.
  • Captain Georg Von Trapp - A retired Austrian naval captain. Polished, yet very military in the way he runs his life to repress his sadness over the death of his wife; underneath, he is warm, understanding, and determined.
  • Max Detweiller - Charming and vital; a man of sophistication who enjoys the good life; true and loyal friend to the von Trapp family.
  • Elsa Schrader - A baroness of taste and elegance, sophisticated, dignified and mature.
  • Mother Abbess - Motherly, understanding, strong and authoritative, but kind.
  • Sister Berthe - Mistress of Novices, prudish, straight laced with a quick tongue, she is less tolerant than other nuns.
  • Sister Margaretta - Mistress of Postulants, very kind, understanding and concerned.
  • Sister Sophia - Neither demanding nor critical, sticks with the rules.
  • Franz - The von Trapp butler, rather formal but not without spirit, he is very German and loyal to the Fascist cause.
  • Frau Schmidt - The housekeeper, stoic, very little personality; she does her job efficiently but without affection. Strong and somewhat dominating.
  • Herr Zeller - Stern and unsmiling, a typical Nazi official whose primary concern is to see that everyone toes the line.
  • Rolf Gruber - Suitor to Liesl, telegram delivery boy, later Nazi soldier. A very pleasant young man, somewhat aggressive but in a gentle way.
  • Liesl von Trapp - The oldest child, blossoming into a young lady with an interest in boys. She has a maternal edge to her and cares very deeply for her younger siblings.
  • Friedrich von Trapp - Tough exterior, very much trying to be “the man” of the family.
  • Louisa von Trapp - Rebellious attitude
  • Kurt von Trapp - Gentle and mischievous.
  • Brigitta von Trapp - Smart, reads a lot.
  • Marta von Trapp - Very sweet and gentle.
  • Gretl von Trapp - Must have the cute factor.
  • Admiral Von Schreiber -
  • Baron Elberfeld -
  • Frau Zeller -
  • Ursula -
  • Baroness Elberfeld/Nun -
  • Postulant -
  • Nazi Soldier -
  • Nun -
  • Stage Manager -
  • Assistant Stage Manager -
  • Crew -
  • Ensemble -


The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

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