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The Oresteia by Ellen McLaughlin by Woodside Priory School
in Portola Valley, California

What To Know About This Production

This nearly 2500 year old play roars to life as if ripped from today's headlines in an extraordinary adaptation by award winnlg playwright Ellen McLaughlin, set in modern day. The end of the tale that is the Curse of the House of Atreaus sees Agamemnon return triumphant from Troy with his captive Trojan concubine Cassandra. Waiting for him, after 10 years at war, is his wife Clydemnestra who has planned a special welcome for the man who killed their daughter so his ships could sail to Troy.

What follows is a tragic unfolding of revenge that pulls the entire family in until the venegeful Furies are called to pass judgement...and surprisingly they have been there all along. Will blood-have-blood? Or can there be another way?

Performance Dates

  • Mar 9 Thursday 7:00 PM
  • Mar 10 Friday 7:00 PM
  • Mar 11 Saturday 7:00 PM
  • Mar 12 Sunday 2:00 PM

Auditions For The Oresteia by Ellen McLaughlin

Audition details are not yet posted. Check back later or reach out to Woodside Priory School directly with any questions.

Cast List For The Oresteia by Ellen McLaughlin

Available Roles

  • Clytemnestra- NY -
  • Iphigenia- NY -
  • Agamemnon- NY - A king, the same age or slightly older than Clytemnestra. Cares for an loves his children. A general and politician. Returning from triumph in the Trojan War.
  • Electra / Chorus E- NY - A princess, sister of Orestes and Iphigenia. She hates her mother for killing Agamemnon and wants revenge.
  • Orestes- NY - A prince, son of Clytemnestra and Agamenon. Possessed by the spirit of Apollo which drives him toward revenge.
  • Cassandra-NY - A former princess of Troy, taken as a war-prize by Agamemnon. An unwilling priestess of Apollo who can see the dead and the future.
  • Chorus A: Watchman- NY - earthy and folk-wise.
  • Chorus B: Observer- NY - cool, pious, otherworldly.
  • Chorus C: Judge- NY - reasoned, questioning, just.
  • Chorus D: Firebrand- NY - fierce, frightening, decisive.
  • Chorus E: Electra / Chorus E- NY - creature energy, watching, wary, sly.
  • Chorus F: Wise One- NY - older, ironic, cool. Formerly the Nurse of Orestes.
  • Chorus G: Caring Mother- NY - motherly, capable, experienced. Formerly the nurse of Electra.
  • Chorus H: Titan- NY - unpredictable, ancient soul, powerful
  • Chorus I: Child- NY - young, questioning, fair
  • Clytemnestra- LN -
  • Iphigenia- LN -
  • Agamemnon- LN -
  • Electra- LN -
  • Orestes- LN -
  • Cassandra-LN -
  • Chorus A: Watchman- LN -
  • Chorus B: Observer- LN -
  • Chorus C: Judge- LN -
  • Chorus D: Firebrand- LN -
  • Chorus E: Electra- LN -
  • Chorus F: Wise One- LN -
  • Chorus G: Caring Mother- LN -
  • Chorus H: Titan- LN -
  • Chorus I: Child- LN -


The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

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