What To Know About This Production
About the show: "It took Mr. Denison's drama class three long months to prepare for their monologue show . . . but barely a minute to throw all their plans out the window. From the couple staging their real-life break-up to the garden-gnome thief confessing his crimes, everything that can go wrong will in this flexible collection of hilarious tall tales."
This will be a streamed show (not live). Rehearsals will be small (4 students and me), and involve several different groups. We are under a tight time crunch because the District has only given us until December 18th to get this show cast, rehearsed, filmed and posted. I am working frantically to get this together, but don't worry, it will be a blast.
We will be taking all health precautions. Dr. Larson and the District have approved our plan. We can do this show socially-distanced because it is going to be filmed. This should give everyone who wants a chance to act the opportunity to act. So if you have ever wondered what it is like to be in a show, this is your chance!
Performance Dates
- Feb 6 Saturday 7:00 PM
- Feb 7 Sunday 3:18 AM