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The Frogs: A Modern Adaptation by Cypress Springs Theatre
in Cypress, Texas

What To Know About This Production

Disgusted with the state of current entertainment, Dionysus, God of Wine and Poetry, decides that it's time to retrieve Shakespeare from the underworld. Surely if the Bard were given a series on HBO, he'd be able to raise the level of discourse! Accompanied by his trusted servant, Xanthias (the brains of the operation), Dionysus seeks help from Hercules and Charon the Boatman. Unfortunately, his plan to rescue Shakespeare goes horribly awry, as he's captured by a chorus of reality-television-loving demon frogs. The frogs put the god on trial and threaten him with never-ending torment unless he brings more reality shows into the world. It won't be easy for Dionysus to survive, and, even if he does get past the frogs, Jane Austen isn't ready to let Shakespeare escape without a fight. Adapted from Aristophanes' classic satire, The Frogs is a hilarious and scathing look at highbrow and lowbrow art.

Performance Dates

  • Oct 18 Friday 7:00 PM
  • Oct 19 Saturday 2:00 PM

Auditions For The Frogs: A Modern Adaptation

Auditions are Past

Cast List For The Frogs: A Modern Adaptation

Available Roles

  • Dionysus - (m) God of wine, theatre and revelry
  • Xanthias - (f) his slave/servant
  • Hercules - a demigod (only in Act 1)
  • Sally - Hercules's girlfriend (only in Act 1)
  • Charon - (m) the boatman into the underworld
  • Aeacus - (e) the judge of the underworld
  • Debbie - (f) Maid to Persephone and obsessed with Hercules (only in act 2)
  • Hades - (m) King of the Underworld (only in act 2)
  • Persephone - (f) Queen of the Underworld (only in Act 2)
  • Shakespeare - (e) Playwright, dead (only in last half of Act 2)
  • Jane Austen - (f) Novelist, dead (only in last half of act 2)
  • Trial Ensemble - Turtle, Pig, NPR Host, Doctor, Personal Trainer
  • Servant - (f) Servant to Persephone (only in Act 2)
  • 3 Judges - 2 m 1f
  • Poison Dart Tree Frog - (f)
  • Psychoactive Toad - either
  • Cane Toad - (m)
  • Red-Eyed Tree Frog - either
  • Bull Frog - either
  • Tomato Frog - either
  • Horny Toad - either
  • Hermin - played by a Puppeteer as a parody of Kermit The Frog


The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

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