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The Fantasticks by We the People Theatre
in White River Junction, Vermont

What To Know About This Production

We are delighted to return to the stage with this show.

The Fantasticks is the longest-running musical in the world and with good reason: at the heart of its breathtaking poetry and subtle theatrical sophistication is a purity and simplicity that transcends cultural barriers. The result is a timeless fable of love that manages to be nostalgic and universal at the same time.* *Music Theatre International

Performance Dates

  • Nov 10 Thursday 7:30 PM
  • Mar 14 Friday 4:37 PM
  • Nov 11 Friday 7:30 PM
  • Nov 12 Saturday 7:30 PM
  • Nov 13 Sunday 2:00 PM
  • Nov 17 Thursday 7:30 PM
  • Nov 18 Friday 7:30 PM
  • Nov 19 Saturday 7:30 PM
  • Nov 20 Sunday 2:00 PM

Auditions For The Fantasticks

Auditions are Past

Cast List For The Fantasticks

Available Roles

  • El Gallo - Male, High Baritone, 30-50. Narrator of the piece, liaison between audience and players. Warm, yet direct and somewhat mysterious with a commanding presence. Must be able to address the audience in an intimate, natural and sincere way and also be a “player” where needed. Some dance background helpful.
  • Matt - Male, Baritone, 17-30. A young lover, a romantic. Lacks experience in the world but not stupid. Naive and perhaps, foolish. Gallant and wanting to be brave and needed.
  • Luisa - Female, Lyric Soprano, 16-30. A young lover, a romantic, in love with the idea of love, full of dreams and romantic notions. Naive, but not stupid and very committed to her dreams. Poised and natural with a vivid imagination. Some dance background helpful.
  • Hucklebee - Male, 45-65. Father of Matt. Singing role. Must have good comic sense and timing and work as a team with Bellomy. They plot together for the marriage of their children.
  • Bellomy - Male, 45-65. Father of Luisa. Singing role. Must have good comic sense and timing and work as a team with Hucklebee. They plot together for the marriage of their children.
  • Henry - Male, 45-65. Elderly comic actor who, along with Mortimer, moves the action. In the spirit of Shakespearean companies, he (along with Mortimer) provides all the other characters needed for the story, particularly the “grand” characters. Was once a Shakespearean actor and may require an English accent. Functions as a unit with Mortimer and they rarely appear apart from one another. Completely theatrical, theirs is the world of the stage. Highly physical.
  • Mortimer - Male, 35-65. Comic actor who, along with Henry, moves the action. In the spirit of Shakespearean companies, he (along with Henry) provides all the other characters needed for the story, Mortimer’s specialty is dying in the manner of the great adventures and melodramas. May require a Cockney accent. Functions as a unit with Henry and they rarely appear apart from one another. Completely theatrical, theirs is the world of the stage. Highly physical.
  • Mute - Male or Female, age open. Serves many functions such as setting props, acting as scenic elements, assisting El Gallo. Present throughout the show and yet must have the ability to fade into the background. A functional character who sometimes interacts with the others. Non-speaking role, but must have a prodigious memory, excellent timing and good focus on detail.


The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

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