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Robin Hood by Richards Middle School Theatre in Columbus, Georgia

What To Know About This Production

Performance Dates

  • Oct 18 Friday 6:00 PM
  • Oct 19 Saturday 11:00 AM
  • Oct 19 Saturday 5:00 PM

Auditions For Robin Hood

What To Expect At Auditions

Auditions in Room 204.

08/19-8/20: 3:30p-4:30p

Pick a character from the character list to audition for, and you will a scene with another person. Recommend watching the Disney version to help with characterizations, etc.

The audition form is not yet posted.

Audition Times

  • Aug 19 Monday 3:30 PM
  • Aug 20 Tuesday 3:30 PM

Cast List For Robin Hood

Available Roles

  • Robin Hood - Outlaw of sherwood forest
  • Lady Merle - Evil villian and true mastermind.
  • Sheriff - Bumbling fool
  • Maid Marian - Disney princess like
  • Friar Tuck - Wise Funny Guy
  • Beth - Tough Female & Narrator
  • Mother Meg - Mother Figure
  • Little John - Large Dude, but sweet.
  • Will Scarlett - Vain member of Robin's merry band
  • Annabel - Marian's handmaiden
  • Sheriffs Wife - a clumsy socialite
  • Salome - her silly daugther
  • Kaspar - Evil Archer
  • Soldiers

Cast List

The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

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