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Our Town by CHCA Theatre in Cincinnati, Ohio

What To Know About This Production

Details about this production have not been posted. Contact CHCA Theatre directly if you have questions.

Performance Dates

  • Sep 21 Saturday 2:00 PM
  • Sep 21 Saturday 8:00 PM
  • Sep 22 Sunday 3:00 PM

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Auditions For Our Town

What To Expect At Auditions

Come to the theatre from 4-5:30 ready to do cold readings from the script. No need to prepare anything!

Audition Form

Cast List For Our Town

The cast list is posted! Please login to access cast-only resources.

Available Roles

  • Stage Manager
  • Dr Gibbs
  • Mrs Gibbs
  • George Gibbs
  • Rebecca Gibbs
  • Mr Webb
  • Mrs Webb
  • Emily Webb
  • Wally Webb
  • Howie Newsome
  • Joe Crowell
  • Professor Willard
  • Woman in the Balcony
  • Man in the Auditorium
  • Lady in the Box
  • Simon Stimson
  • Mrs Soames
  • Constable Warren
  • Si Crowell
  • Baseball Players
  • Sam Craig
  • Joe Stoddard
  • Assistant Stage Managers
  • Choir Member
  • Man Among the Dead
  • Woman Among the Dead
  • Farmer McCarty

Cast List

Name Role(s)
Kate Brewer Stage Manager, Choir Member, and Man Among the Dead
Topher Slemons Dr Gibbs
Anna Hillis Mrs Gibbs
Abe Sanders George Gibbs
Abigail Cebulskie Rebecca Gibbs
Wyatt Elma Mr Webb
Kelsey Espenshade Mrs Webb
Avery Kaufman Emily Webb
Nolan Kaufman Wally Webb
Evan Northup Howie Newsome, Man in the Auditorium, Sam Craig, and Choir Member
Elenore Tuttle Stage Manager, Joe Crowell, Si Crowell, Baseball Players, and Choir Member
Landon Snyder Professor Willard, Joe Stoddard, and Choir Member
Elise Kaufman Stage Manager, Woman in the Balcony, Baseball Players, and Choir Member
Sofia Leni Stage Manager, Lady in the Box, Choir Member, and Woman Among the Dead
Stephen Tait Simon Stimson
Mary Claire Kirby Mrs Soames
Natalie Cobb Stage Manager, Constable Warren, and Choir Member
Addison Gage Stage Manager, Baseball Players, and Choir Member
Chelsea Flynn Stage Manager, Choir Member, and Farmer McCarty

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