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Little Shop of Horrors by Hermantown Drama Club in Hermantown, Minnesota

What To Know About This Production

Little Shop of Horrors

Performance Dates

  • Nov 14 Thursday 7:00 PM
  • Nov 15 Friday 7:00 PM
  • Nov 16 Saturday 7:00 PM

Buy Tickets

Auditions For Little Shop of Horrors

What To Expect At Auditions

This is the system we will be trying this year. Since the cast and crew for Little Shop of Horrors is already set, you will fill out the information without worrying about the audition time. This is where you will fill out your conflicts between 3pm -9pm. Rehearsals will be scheduled based on the times we receive. Please be as thorough as possible.

Audition Times

  • Sep 7 Saturday 7:00 AM

Audition Form

Cast List For Little Shop of Horrors

The cast list is posted! Please login to access cast-only resources.

Available Roles

  • Seymour Krelborn
  • Audrey
  • Mr Mushnik
  • Orin Scrivello
  • Audrey II
  • Crystal (1)
  • Crystal (2)
  • Crystal (3)
  • Ronnette (1)
  • Ronnette (2)
  • Ronnette (3)
  • Chiffon (1)
  • Chiffon (2)
  • Chiffon (3)
  • Customer 1/Ensemble
  • Customer 2/Ensemble
  • DJ/Ensemble
  • Patrick Martin/Ensemble
  • Bernstein/Ensemble
  • Snip/Ensemble
  • Mrs Luce/Ensemble
  • Wino
  • Ensemble
  • Ensemble
  • Ensemble
  • Ensemble
  • Ensemble
  • Puppeteers/ Ensemble puppet 1 operator & puppet 4 branches
  • Puppeteers/ Ensemble puppet 3 operator
  • Puppeteers/ Ensemble puppet 4 - operator
  • Puppeteers/ Ensemble puppet 4 branches
  • Co-Stage Manager
  • Co-Stage Manager
  • Stage Crew
  • Stage Crew
  • Stage Crew
  • Sound
  • Light Board Operator
  • Co-Director

Cast List

Name Role(s)
Everett Homan Seymour Krelborn
Olive Holden Audrey
Trenton Paasch Mr Mushnik
Paul Marinos Orin Scrivello
Mason Fernholz Audrey II and Wino
Elyana Hewitt Crystal (1)
Abby Borgstrom Crystal (2)
Caroline Kitson Crystal (3)
Kendell DeVlieger Ronnette (1)
Nora Wourms Ronnette (2)
Cadence Larson Ronnette (3)
Karolyn Deiss Chiffon (1)
Renee Skopinski Chiffon (2)
Tessa Sibell Scheppy Chiffon (3)
Caitlin Cox Customer 1/Ensemble
Elise McShane Customer 2/Ensemble
Brady Onofreychuk DJ/Ensemble
Taryn Sibell Scheppy Patrick Martin/Ensemble
Easton Mathews Bernstein/Ensemble
Ashton Wigg Snip/Ensemble
Avery Nash Mrs Luce/Ensemble
Bryce Rudolph Ensemble
Ian Eastvold Ensemble
Madelyn Jaros Puppeteers/ Ensemble puppet 3 operator
Sydnee Benner Puppeteers/ Ensemble puppet 4 - operator
Katelyn Laurila Co-Stage Manager
Caleb Sterling Co-Stage Manager
Sofia Magana Stage Crew
Leonidas Jondreau Stage Crew
Rachel Hale Stage Crew
Giada Poggio Sound
Ken Ahlberg Co-Director
Nick Allen Co-Director
Zara Jokinen Ensemble

Looking For Something?

We are working to make this new help panel a robust and relevant spot to handle your support questions.

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