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Gilligan's Island by Downstage Productions Theatre in Gulfport, Mississippi

What To Know About This Production

Gilligan’s Island: The Musical is a family-friendly stage musical version of the ever popular and iconic 60’s TV comedy show “Gilligan’s Island”. Shipwrecked on a remote Pacific island, the seven castaways build huts and begin to explore their surroundings. They discover strange hieroglyphics in a spooky cave, which speak of an ancient legend. The weather gets rough, Gilligan foils the best-laid of the castaway’s rescue plans…romance develops…the castaways have an out-of-this-world encounter…it’s fun, wacky and entertaining with 18 original, tuneful and memorable songs.

Performance Dates

  • Jul 19 Friday 7:00 PM
  • Jul 20 Saturday 7:00 PM
  • Jul 21 Sunday 2:00 PM

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Auditions For Gilligan's Island

Audition Form

Cast List For Gilligan's Island

Available Roles

  • Gilligan
  • Skipper
  • Thurston Howell III
  • Lovey Howell
  • Ginger
  • Professor
  • Mary Ann
  • Alien

Cast List

The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

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