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Frankenstein by Titan Productions in Indianapolis, Indiana

What To Know About This Production

Details about this production have not been posted. Contact Titan Productions directly if you have questions.

Performance Dates

  • Oct 10 Thursday 7:00 PM
  • Oct 11 Friday 7:00 PM
  • Oct 12 Saturday 7:00 PM

Auditions For Frankenstein

What To Expect At Auditions

Audition Times

  • Aug 19 Monday 2:30 PM
  • Aug 20 Tuesday 2:30 PM

Audition Form

Cast List For Frankenstein

The cast list is posted! Please login to access cast-only resources.

Available Roles

  • Victor Frankenstein
  • The Creature
  • Elizabeth
  • Captain Walton
  • Father/Professor
  • Mother, Justine, Mate
  • Victor/Male Understudy

Cast List

Name Role(s)
Aniya Montgomery Victor Frankenstein
Tatiana Campbell Elizabeth
Aaron Coleman The Creature
Jesus Vazquez Captain Walton
Demarco Mathews Father/Professor
Braelyn cody Mother, Justine, Mate

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