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AET 2025-26 Season Auditions (First Half) by Arts Express Theatre
in Tucson, Arizona

What To Know About This Production

Thank you for your interest in auditioning for AET's 2025-26 Season. Season Auditions are on Monday, March 24, and will be for the following shows:

XANADU - Performances June 20-July 13, Tech Week June 14-19
SISTER ACT - Performances Aug 1-24, Tech Week July 26-31
THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW - Performances Sept 12-Oct 5, Tech Week Sept 6-11
EVITA - Performances Oct 24-Nov 16, Tech Week Oct 18-23
MIRACLE on 34th STREET - Performances Dec 5-28, Tech Week Nov 29-Dec 4

Auditions for the remaining three shows will be held at a later date:

FUNNY GIRL - Performances Jan 23-Feb 15
ALL SHOOK UP - Performances March 6-29
NEWSIES - Performances April 17-May19

Note 1 - Rehearsals will begin approximately eight weeks before each opening.

Note 2 - Rehearsals are typically scheduled Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 6-10pm, and Sat 9a-5pm. Depending on show and cast needs, there may be rehearsals on Sunday, Monday or Friday from 6-10pm. You will be asked to identify any conflicts you have with these rehearsals. Not all cast members will be called for all rehearsals.

Note 3 - Tech Week is the Saturday through Thursday leading into the Friday night opening. Tech Rehearsals typically run 5-11pm. Attendance at all Tech Week rehearsals is required.

Note 4- Rehearsals will not be held on major holidays such as 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, or Easter Sunday.

Note 5 - Conflicts through mid-August should be entered in the Conflicts section of your audition. Conflict after mid-August should be outlined in the General Availability section.

This audition is only for ages 16 and older. Child auditions will be held at a later date.

All roles will receive a stipend.

Please email Mike Saxon at if you have any questions.

Arts Express is an equal opportunity organization. Actors of all ethnicities, gender, religions, abilities, body types and orientations are encouraged to register and audition, and will be considered for all roles.

Performance Dates

  • Mar 24 Monday 5:00 PM

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Auditions For AET 2025-26 Season Auditions (First Half)

What To Expect At Auditions

  1. Please prepare 16 bars of one up-tempo song and one ballad from a musical theatre production (not from a show in AET's 25-26 Season). You may be asked to only sing one of your songs or both. Please provide sheet music or a karaoke track. An Accompanist will be provided. No A capella.
  2. Auditions will be at the Arts Express Theater in Park Place, 5870 E Broadway Blvd #214, Tucson, AZ 85711.
  3. Auditions slots are for a 50 minute time period. During this time you and up to 11 other auditionees will sing for the directors individually, and will also participate in a movement audition. Ideally, you should learn the movement combination available here prior to the audition.
  4. When completing your profile, you are required to include a headshot. A photo taken with a phone is entirely acceptable.
  5. You are required to complete the Past Experience sections, or upload a resume, but both are not required.
  6. This audition is for ages 16 and up; child auditions will be held at a later date.
  7. If you need to cancel your audition, click that tab on the upper right of your profile.
  8. If you want to submit an audition video instead of attending auditions you may post the URL at the bottom of the audition screen. You may do this even if you don't select an audition time slot.

Audition Times

  • Mar 24 Monday 5:00 PM
  • Mar 24 Monday 6:00 PM
  • Mar 24 Monday 7:20 PM
  • Mar 24 Monday 8:00 PM

Audition Form

Cast List For AET 2025-26 Season Auditions (First Half)

Available Roles

  • Xanadu Cast - Show Info:
  • Sister Act Cast - Show Info:
  • Rocky Horror Show Cast - Show Info:
  • Evita Cast - Show Info:
  • Miracle on 34th St Cast - Show Info:


The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

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