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Addams Family Young@Part by Regional Performing Arts Company in Portage, Indiana

What To Know About This Production

In this mischievous 60 minute rendition of the Broadway musical The Addams Family, Wednesday embarks on a new journey of her life, otherwise known as the unfamiliar emotion of love. There are no secrets in this wacky family, none that can be kept anyway. Wednesday, stone cold at heart, reluctantly confides in someone about the foreign territory she has encountered with a boy by the name of Lucas. Gomez, Wednesday's father, holds true to her, but the task is difficult, especially at a family dinner, where Lucas and his family are in attendance and Gomez is forced to face the wrath of his wife, Morticia. Will the secret be spilled? Will Gomez fall under pressure? We shall see...

Performance Dates

  • Oct 25 Friday 7:00 PM
  • Oct 26 Saturday 7:00 PM
  • Oct 27 Sunday 2:00 PM

Auditions For Addams Family Young@Part

What To Expect At Auditions

Hello Auditionees! Below, you will find information about the upcoming auditions for The Addams Family Young@Part Musical. Please read carefully to ensure you are properly prepared for auditions.

Auditions will be held on Thursday, August 8, 2024 from 5-7 pm at the Regional Performing Arts Company theatre located at 2530 Portage Mall in Portage, Indiana. Auditions will start immediately, so please arrive on time. Upon your arrival, you will be given a number to wear throughout the duration of your audition and we will take your head shot in order to organize all auditionees. Ages 11 and up are invited to these auditions. Please also review the linked information form below, which contains more information about RPAC and this production.

The audition will consist of two parts. The first part you will be expected to have 45 seconds to 1 minute of a song from a musical prepared to perform for the directors. You are able to bring a practice track to use if you would like or these can be done a capella. Then following this, you will learn a section of choreography from the show and perform it in small groups for the second portion of your audition. Be sure to dress comfortably and wear shoes that you can dance in without slipping. Both of these components will be used in order to make casting decisions.

Our show dates are October 25-27th (7pm/7pm/2pm).


The Directing Team Hayley Johnson (Director), Trey Erny (Director), Katelyn Leonard-White (Vocal Director)

Audition Times

  • Aug 8 Thursday 5:00 PM

Audition Form

Cast List For Addams Family Young@Part

The cast list is posted! Please login to access cast-only resources.

Available Roles

  • Gomez - Gomez is a comical, suave man who is the head of the family. He struggles to keep Wednesday's secret from his wife, whom he loves to death.
  • Morticia - Morticia is the wife of Gomez. She is the strong, matriarch of the family with a dry wit. She will use any tactic possible in order to lure secrets from her family and fears that her and her daughter are not as close as they once were.
  • Uncle Fester - Fester serves as the narrator and his energetic, as well as larger than life.
  • Grandma - Grandma is a feisty, funky old women who is not to be messed with. She often talks with Pugsley and shares advice with him.
  • Wednesday - Wednesday is the oldest child of Gomez and Morticia Addams. She's just 18 and has fallen in love with a
  • Pugsley - Puglsey is the youngest of the family who loves to be tortured by his sister, Wednesday. He fears losing her to her new love interest, so he takes things into his own hands.
  • Lurch - Lurch is the butler of the family, who is wise beyond his years, but only speaks with moans and groans.
  • Mal Beineke - Mal is the father of Lucas and husband of Alice. He is a stereotypical business man.He always looks out for his family and how they are perceived by others.
  • Alice Beineke - Alice is the housewife, who is devoted to her own family at the cost of her own desires.
  • Lucas Beineke - Lucas is the love interest of Wednesday, who is a little dorky and struggles with the differences between his family and the Addams family.
  • Lead Ancestor - The ancestors live on the
  • Ancestor

Cast List

Name Role(s)
Michael Williams Gomez
Loralie Cox Morticia
Madelynn Vasaitis Uncle Fester
Gianna Essany Grandma
Ellie Horan Wednesday
Avery Horan Pugsley
Cam Morley Lurch
Grace Snider Mal Beineke
Sofia Sotelo Alice Beineke
AJ Gabriel Lucas Beineke
Zoe Parnell Lead Ancestor
Madison Duda Lead Ancestor
Elizabeth Hopkins Lead Ancestor
Brooke Toth Lead Ancestor
Maggie White Lead Ancestor
Alyssa Botts Ancestor
Rylee Campbell Ancestor
Payton Campbell Ancestor
Abigail Daly Ancestor
Jessica Hartman Ancestor
Jess Hattabaugh Ancestor
Lucia Hill Ancestor
Mateo Gonzalez Ancestor
Madeline Ortega Ancestor
Ava Osika Ancestor
Kennedy Smedley Ancestor

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