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25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee by Dakota Stage in Bismarck, North Dakota

What To Know About This Production

25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee: This Tony-Award winning musical comedy brings to life an eclectic group of six mid-pubescents vying for the spelling championship of a lifetime. While candidly disclosing hilarious and touching stories from their home lives, the tweens spell their way through a series of (potentially made-up) words, hoping never to hear the soul-crushing, pout-inducing, life un-affirming “ding” of the bell that signals a spelling mistake. Six spellers enter; one speller leaves! At least the losers get a juice box.

Performance Dates

  • Oct 10 Thursday 7:30 PM
  • Oct 11 Friday 7:30 PM
  • Oct 12 Saturday 7:30 PM
  • Oct 13 Sunday 2:00 PM
  • Oct 17 Thursday 7:30 PM
  • Oct 18 Friday 7:30 PM
  • Oct 19 Saturday 7:30 PM
  • Oct 20 Sunday 2:00 PM

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Auditions For 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

What To Expect At Auditions

NOTE: Content for this show is considered PG-13. Actors must be 16 or older to audition. Please See our website for audition sign ups and more information on what to prepare.

The audition form is not yet posted.

Audition Times

  • Aug 11 Sunday 6:00 PM
  • Aug 12 Monday 6:00 PM

Cast List For 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

The cast list is not yet posted. Please check back later.

Cast List

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