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The Villages Theater Company

The Villages, Florida

About The Villages Theater Company

The VTC was founded in 1992, incorporated in 2007, and became a 501 (c)(3) public charity in 2014. The money raised from our productions is used to sustain the group and its programs and any money remaining is donated to other charities.

Our mission is to provide a quality theater experience for our patrons and the opportunity for Villages residents to learn about and participate in all aspects of play production. This mission is accomplished by producing three major plays with full sets built on the stage, a summer drama, at least three one-act plays that serve as learning workshops where the participants learn by doing, and several workshops on acting, directing, training on audiovisual equipment and other aspects of play production. We also have two traveling troupes that can be hired for entertainment for club meetings. Our group is managed by a board of seven members and eleven board assistants who are all volunteers.

1992 established
4 shows per year
7 avg. cast size

Upcoming Shows From The Villages Theater Company

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